Monday, February 21, 2011

#1. Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is a mind-altering drug that speeds up your heart rate while slowing down the rest of your body. It is the most used illegal drug in the whole entire world. Many indigenous tribes use marijuana as part of tribal rituals as it provides a very relaxing effect. Marijuana has been slandered for years and highly associated with people of poverty, even though the people who pull the strings are usually sophisticated and educated.

Due to supply and demand, with the increase in Mexico's border control, marijuana is becoming a very dangerous drug to get and depending on the quality,  can be very costly. They seize thousands and thousands of pounds every year, just from the border. Most of their seizures are worth over a million dollars. $5 a gram, $2250 a pound, 445 pounds gets you a million dollars.(this is only on the basis of selling each gram for $5, as most gets cheaper by the more you buy)

Every year, thousands of gang bangers and illegal immigrants are killed while distributing this drug. Many innocent people die in the crossfire. Peaceful people are robbed and/or killed while trying to buy it. So why would we want to legalize it?

1. If we legalize it, not only will it pump billions of dollars into the economy but if we can go to the store and buy it, then the government can tax it. Therefore, increasing even more revenue.

2. It will create thousands of jobs with very little overhead. You can plant it outside and let nature do its work. Harvest it then transport it to the local shops. Creating a job for a gardener, a truck driver, and a store owner.

3. Marijuana, itself, does not kill people. No records are found of people overdosing on it like tylenol or other over the counter drugs. How many high driver accidents are there a year? I'm sure there are a few but nowhere near alcohol related fatalities. People will slow down and take their time when they are driving.

4. Fast food and the snacking industry will boom through the roof.

5. Crime rates will decrease a lot if the product is taken off the street and into stores. Remember prohibition and what happened with that? Now that alcohol is legal, you don't see people getting killed making it or selling it. (Just drinking it lol.)

6. It's about time that everybody in the world smokes a joint and just relax. We only have one life to live but everybody wants to rush rush rush. Smoke a joint and enjoy life.

So what are your thoughts and opinions?

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