Monday, February 21, 2011

#2. Legalization of Prostitution

Prostitution has been around since the time of man. Women, men, and children are put at risk every day because of it. The spread of STD's and HIV/AIDS, getting pregnant, raped, kidnapped, beaten, drugged, and even murdered, are all increased risks of prostitution. So why legalize it?

1. To protect women and men. Everybody knows that a prostitute is a serial killers favorite target. People don't notice they are missing and if they do survive, most won't go to police because of their profession. (It's like a drug dealer telling the cops that his weed was stolen.)

2. Again, tax it. We can have brothels, where each brothel has to pay a licensing fee every year and the prostitutes have to pay their share of taxes like an independent contractor.

3. Again, stress reliever. Sure, divorce rates probably will go up but ever notice the difference between a man who gets no sex in his lousy marriage and one who does?

4. Helps people who are insecure about dating and being in relationships. Even dorks need to bust a nut every now and then.

Legalize prostitution. Make every brothel pay yearly fees. Make every prostitute get tested on a weekly basis. Must use protection with every genital to genital/mouth contact. Make every prostitute pay taxes.
Have security and cameras in case anybody gets out of hand. Verify 18 years old and up.

This is how you increase jobs and safety of our most beloved people. Thoughts? Opinions?

Side note: I know religious people will disagree but lets face it. Not everybody is religious. I don't believe in church but you don't see me and any other deists or atheists going to your place of worship and protesting. It will happen irregardless, so instead of sweeping it under the rug, lets do something about it to protect these women.

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