Monday, February 21, 2011

Raw Recap 2/21/11

Cena comes out with his 20 minute usual promo and goes back to basics. It is a must see rap geared towards the Rock. "I'm like a big purple windmill so you can blow me" and he commented about the Rock going to the wrong mountain, instead of going to Witchcraft Mountain, he was trying to go to Brokeback Mountain. Very funny segment from someone that I usually do not like.

Punk vs Morrison. I was so hyped for Raw putting on a phenomenoal(?) match. Both men are showing injuries after last night's Elimination Chamber, I look on the computer and look back up and the match is over. Very very short match with Punk getting the pin. Punk calls out Orton, promising Nexus isnt here. Orton sneaks attack and almost hits the RKO but Punk escapes. Nexus is down at ringside but Punk doesn't let them go to the ring.

ADR comes out only to be jumped by Kofi but ADR comes out on top like always.

Mark Henry beat Sheamus in a pretty quick match with Sheamus dominating the whole match until Mark does his powerslam.

Diva tag is somewhere in here, very boring.

2/21/11 is of course revealed as the Undertaker(online reports say Taker came out before he was supposed to when it was still on commercials lol) He does his whole eye rolling intro and.............................TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally marked out. I did not see this coming tonight. Triple H comes out to a bigger pop than Taker. They stare each other down then Triple H stares at the Wrestlemania sign. Taker just stares, puts his hat back on, and walks away. Then jumps back in Triple Hs face to do the cut throat taunt. Triple H stares back at him and does the crotch chop. They continue to stare until commercial break. Big goosebumps and neither had to say a word. This is how you build to Wrestlemania.

Cole interview King and takes it too far by bringing up Kings recently dead mother. King challenges Cole, Cole runs back to his seat declining the offer before throwing his drink is Kings face and running away.

Miz/Cena vs Corre for Titles. Miz pins one of them after a SCF to win the belts. Miz over celebrates. Barrett does the rematch clause and the Corre win the title back after Miz hits the SCF on Cena with Slater on Cenas shoulders.

Overall, good show with big hype towards Wrestlemania but the matches really lacked. One thing I was happy about, no pointless comedic segments. (Meaning no Santino this week) Some is funny but most is a big flop.

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