Monday, February 21, 2011

Thoughts on last night's Elimination Chamber

I was unable to watch it last night due to horrible lagging on every single website that I went to. Seen maybe 30 seconds out of 3 hours.

ADR defeats Kofi with the cross armbar. 10 minute match. No title on the line. This was a quick set up for a feud for ADR before Wrestlemania. I didn't like it too much even though I like both guys. Just a little random.

Smackdown EC: Big Show eliminates Barrett after a KO punch.
                           Kane eliminates Big Show then Drew with Chokeslams
                           Edge hits a spear on both Rey and Kane when Rey was upside down doing a hurricarana.
                           Edge pins Kane
                           Edge beats Rey after Rey hits 619 and Edge spears him in mid air.
                           Edge still champ. No surprise, as he is best fit for ADR and they already started their feud.
Post match ADR attacks Edge and then Christian comes out and hits the killswitch on ADR then Edge hits his spear when ADR got back up.

Trish Stratus announced as another trainer for Tough Enough

Slater and Gabriel win tag belts after Gabriel's 450 splash on Koslov

Miz retains belt after winning cleanly SCF. Don't like this as a ppv match, Jerry is way past his prime and isn't entertaining at all. It's like Hogan beating Triple H at Wrestlemania, stupid.

Raw EC match: Punk eliminated by RKO but since his pod wasn't opening properly, Punk was allowed back in the match.
                         Truth eliminated by Sheamus bicycle kick
                         Orton eliminated by Punk's GTS
                         Sheamus eliminated by cross body by Morrison
                         Morrison eliminated by Punk's GTS
                         Punk eliminated by Cena AA
Cena faces Miz at Wrestlemania. Morrison vs Miz would of been better with their long history and work better together but they won't sell nearly as much as a Cena match. Very predictable finish. Truth should of had more time, he is very talented and everybody knows he won't win but why eliminate him in 2 minutes. Give him 5 to 10 minutes.

I heard both Elimination matches were 4 star matches so I'm disappointed that I missed it but the rest of the card was not worth the money to buy. It's like the Royal Rumble, all I want to see is the Rumble. The other matches, I have no concern about.

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